Digestive and Excretory system

  1. 3. Movements of the body are possible because of this tissue.
  2. 6. System Coordinates the body's response to changes in its internal and external environments.
  3. 7. With some of the organs from the reproductive system, this system controls growth, development and mantains homeostasis.
  4. 8. The _________ system supports the body and protects internal organs.
  5. 10. It includes the mouth, parynx and esophagus, this system also breaks down food.
  6. 11. This System guards against ultraviolet radiation, includs skin hair, etc.
  7. 18. This nutrient supplies raw mateials for growth and repair of structures such as skin and muscle
  8. 19. This system birng in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the body.
  9. 21. The system which transports oxygen, it includes the heart, blood and blood vessels.
  10. 23. Unsaturated fats processed by adding hydrogen to them are called _____ fats.
  11. 25. ________ carbohydrates are caled monosaccharides.
  12. 26. _______ carbohydrates are called polyssacharides.
  13. 27. The _______ system works with skeletal system to produce movement.
  14. 28. Is the most imprtant nutrient.
  15. 29. When each carbon has the maximum amount of hydrogen, the fat is said to be _______.
  16. 30. This system helps prtect the body from disease.
  1. 1. A group of different types of tissues that work together to perform a single or several related function.
  2. 2. Systems Group of organs that perform closely related functions.
  3. 4. type of tissue that provides support of the body and connects its parts.
  4. 5. Inhibition A process in which a stiumulus produces a response that opposes the original stimulus.
  5. 9. The main function of this system is to eliminate waste from the body.
  6. 12. Supplies us with energy and raw material our body uses.
  7. 13. Tissue that lines the interior and exterior body surfaces is called __________ tissue.
  8. 14. _________ fats have one or more double bonds between carbons.
  9. 15. Group of cells that perform a single function.
  10. 16. This system produces gametes; nutures and protects developing embryo.
  11. 17. Nutriet that helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamines and are part of cell membranes, nerve cells and certain hormones.
  12. 20. Describes the relatively constant internal physical and chemical conditions that organisms mantain, it means "similar standing"
  13. 22. The amount of heat necessary to elevate 1 gram of water by 1°C.
  14. 24. The basic unit of structure and function in living things.