digestive process

  1. 2. breaks down foods
  2. 4. longest part of large intestine
  3. 6. acids and enzymes that help break down food chemically
  4. 10. body's basic fuel
  5. 13. energy needed to maintain automatic processes
  6. 14. increase surface area of intestine so it absorbs more nutrients
  7. 15. mechanical and chemical process of breaking down food and changing nutrients into forms your body can use
  8. 17. storage form of glucose
  9. 19. part of digestive tract that connects mouth and stomach
  10. 20. mixture of enzymes made by the pancreas
  1. 1. food rolled into a ball with tongue and saliva
  2. 3. works with other juices to break down food
  3. 5. helps body digest and absorb fats
  4. 7. breathing, digesting food, and building and repairing tissue
  5. 8. contains enzyme ptyalin; helps break down food down
  6. 9. chemical reaction where molecules combine with oxygen
  7. 11. digestion starts with
  8. 12. grinds down food physically
  9. 16. rhythmic movements of muscles
  10. 18. churned food turned thick liquid from peristalsis