Digestive System

  1. 2. emulsify fat globules into smaller droplets
  2. 4. large crystals from the salt in bile form
  3. 6. An enzyme in the saliva that begins starch digestion.
  4. 7. storage of food and protein digestion
  5. 10. Glandular organ connected to the small intestine
  6. 12. Produced by pancreas, breaks down proteins.
  7. 13. Produced by pancreas, breaks down lipids.
  1. 1. food mixed with gastric juices
  2. 3. the intestine that reabsorbs water from waste
  3. 5. Glands that produce saliva.
  4. 7. intestine where most chemical digestion takes place
  5. 8. Produced bile for fat emulsification, stores carbs
  6. 9. Start of digestive system and respiratory system.
  7. 11. hollow muscular tube that connects mouth to stomach