digeston 1

  1. 3. the gap between 2 neurones
  2. 5. name the hormone that maintains the uterus lining
  3. 8. the neurone that attaches to the effectors
  4. 9. The organ that monitors and controls BGL
  5. 13. muscles and glands are examples of this
  6. 14. a characteristic of a reflex action
  7. 16. The hormone that LOWERS blood glucose levels
  8. 18. The scientific name of the master gland
  9. 20. the term for an egg being released
  10. 22. the neurones located in the CNS
  1. 1. how a chemical transmitter moves across a synapse
  2. 2. The hormone that RAISES blood sugar levels
  3. 4. specialised cells that detect a stimulus
  4. 6. A hormone that controls metabolism:
  5. 7. the importance of reflex actions
  6. 10. The storage sugar in animal muscles and liver
  7. 11. the major risk factor in type II diabetes
  8. 12. a change in the environment
  9. 15. Name the hormone that causes eggs to mature
  10. 17. the CNS is comprised of the spine and this organ
  11. 19. The hormone that cause ovulation
  12. 21. The hormone that increases heart rate ‘fight of flight’