Digging Deeper in Rizal's Life

  1. 3. Sharper than the sword : Tongue : Carries further and gives a louder report than thunder :
  2. 8. Refer to Q3
  3. 11. LUNA, ADMU : Jose Rizal : UST :
  4. 12. His artwork was described as "contrary to art"
  5. 13. ENUMERATION Q1.) What Rizal felt in the cold winter of Europe
  6. 14. He is from Federal party, accompanied the Commission
  7. 17. National Hero : Jose Rizal : Law for study of Jose Rizal's Life :
  8. 19. LOPEZ, Narcisa Rizal : Antonino Lopez : Emiliana Rizal
  9. 20. An act to include in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges and universities courses on the life, works, and writings of rizal is called RA. No. _____?
  10. 21. Rizal, Our National Hero
  11. 22. Refer to Q1
  12. 23. The Mean Spaniard who run Academia de Dibujo located in Manila
  13. 25. A prominent or central personage taking an admirable part in any remarkable action or event
  14. 26. Refer to Q1
  15. 28. What does "sobresaliente" mean?
  1. 1. What year was RA. No. 1425 approved?
  2. 2. Refer to Q5
  3. 3. Refer to Q3
  4. 4. ENUMERATION Q2.) Novels of RIzal being taught in schools and colleges
  5. 5. Refer to Q4
  6. 6. Refer to Q2
  7. 7. Most admirable trait of Rizal
  8. 9. ENUMERATION Q4.) Rizal's description of his brother Paciano
  9. 10. Teaching of Rizal course : To awaken sense of patriotism and nationalism : Patriotism and Nationalism :
  10. 15. ENUMERATION Q3.) Virtues exemplified by other Filipino Heroes
  11. 16. ENUMERATION Q5.) Possible the Rizal lacked of: ___, ____, ____, that's why he couldn't take his doctorate examination.
  12. 18. Refer to Q5
  13. 24. What Rizal never held in fighting for our independence
  14. 27. Refer to Q4