Digital footprint

  1. 3. a gaming platform on PC
  2. 4. a way to shop online for just about anything
  3. 6. most social media sites allow you to make your profile public or...
  4. 8. social media app where you post pictures or videos
  5. 12. social media site where you can post pictures, comments, and thoughts
  6. 14. Special code that keeps your account safe
  7. 16. an informational page created by a person
  8. 18. social media site where you can post pictures, thoughts, and retweet
  1. 1. a site tha anyone can sell things on
  2. 2. also known as your screen name
  3. 3. an easy and free way to listen to music
  4. 5. a paid online way to watch movies
  5. 7. a trail of information that people leave online
  6. 9. a common way to communicate to other with or without camera
  7. 10. a messaging application
  8. 11. upload and watch other people's videos here
  9. 13. alternate less used search engine
  10. 15. an application that allows you to send pictures with captions
  11. 17. most common search engine