Digital Literacy Crossword

  1. 1. A place you can research different things.
  2. 6. you must have good ___ to work on a computer.
  3. 8. What is one piece of the computer that it cannot work without?
  4. 12. A category of screws and clamps that make a computer.
  5. 16. Something that saves programmes, files, or documents.
  6. 17. Something that you do when you type on the keys.
  7. 18. Eating while on a computer will cause _____.
  8. 20. Your ____ must always be touching the ground when your on a computer.
  9. 22. Its better to use a ____ then a laptop for longer periods of time.
  10. 23. Does things what the user wants it too.
  11. 25. What replaces the Hard Disk Drive when it comes to storage.
  1. 2. Something “known as millions per second”
  2. 3. Your screen must always be _______ when using a computer
  3. 4. What is the better version of google apps?
  4. 5. What is something that reflects your computer screen.
  5. 7. The less expensive alternative to Windows.
  6. 9. The screen of the computer
  7. 10. Your keyboard should be move a little bit to _____ the of you to type.
  8. 11. Quantity over _____ when you're looking for new computers.
  9. 13. Where does the text go when you cut it?
  10. 14. The brain of the computer that always needs a fan next to it because it gets very hot.
  11. 15. You can copy and ______?
  12. 19. What does CTRL + SHIFT + T do?
  13. 21. Your ____ must never touch the keyboard when typing.
  14. 24. The person who wrote hypothetical programs for a computer