- 1. A place you can research different things.
- 6. you must have good ___ to work on a computer.
- 8. What is one piece of the computer that it cannot work without?
- 12. A category of screws and clamps that make a computer.
- 16. Something that saves programmes, files, or documents.
- 17. Something that you do when you type on the keys.
- 18. Eating while on a computer will cause _____.
- 20. Your ____ must always be touching the ground when your on a computer.
- 22. Its better to use a ____ then a laptop for longer periods of time.
- 23. Does things what the user wants it too.
- 25. What replaces the Hard Disk Drive when it comes to storage.
- 2. Something “known as millions per second”
- 3. Your screen must always be _______ when using a computer
- 4. What is the better version of google apps?
- 5. What is something that reflects your computer screen.
- 7. The less expensive alternative to Windows.
- 9. The screen of the computer
- 10. Your keyboard should be move a little bit to _____ the of you to type.
- 11. Quantity over _____ when you're looking for new computers.
- 13. Where does the text go when you cut it?
- 14. The brain of the computer that always needs a fan next to it because it gets very hot.
- 15. You can copy and ______?
- 19. What does CTRL + SHIFT + T do?
- 21. Your ____ must never touch the keyboard when typing.
- 24. The person who wrote hypothetical programs for a computer