- 1. A network that encompasses an extremely large area.
- 4. The 'brain' of the computer that computes all processes.
- 5. A network that encompasses a small area.
- 6. To save copies of your file onto a different storage.
- 7. Any physical elements on a computer.
- 11. A virus with a name of a war weapon.
- 14. A sans-serif typeface created by Max Miedinger.
- 16. A software that displays and spams your computer with advertisements.
- 17. Processes images so it is seen on the computer's monitor.
- 19. A software that can infect your computer.
- 21. Lets you hear audio by the internal speaker.
- 2. A software that is downloadable on your phone, tablet, or console.
- 3. A software that can steal information from your computer.
- 8. A disk that can store any type of information.
- 9. Reads CDs in order to write, burn, or gather information from.
- 10. A circuit board that has connectors to which other boards may be attached.
- 12. Considered the first 'computer'.
- 13. A keyboard symbol used widely on social medias to facilitate searches.
- 15. The main storage device on a computer.
- 18. A preproccessed CD that cannot by written or burned from.
- 20. Memory that is randomly accessed by your computer to process needed commands quickly and efficiently.