Digital Media Vocab

  1. 4. Used to take videos or pictures for the given project
  2. 5. To hold the camera still and make sure its not shaky
  3. 6. Upload pictures/videos onto this and makes it accessible to everyone that has the device to put it on there computer.
  4. 7. Can be used to record voice overs
  5. 8. A place that can be accessed by everyone and makes class projects easier
  6. 11. Something that moves one video/picture smoothly
  7. 12. A screen used to edit backgrounds into a video
  8. 15. Public Service Announcement
  9. 17. Used to edit photos
  10. 18. A screen used behind the object to make the video clean
  11. 19. Written to plan out how something is going to go and who is saying what
  1. 1. Moves videos from the camera to the computer to edit
  2. 2. Used in the making of videos where there is strictly talking, makes it so you don't have to memorize lines
  3. 3. Used to make the people louder on video and focus on one sound
  4. 8. What you put the SD Card in to transfer the pictures/videos to the computer
  5. 9. Used when creating a movie/informational video that is lengthy
  6. 10. Used to edit videos
  7. 13. A source of lighting used to improve video quality
  8. 14. Used to make/edit projects
  9. 16. Scans hard copy pictures onto the computer