  1. 3. 3 dimensional with high length and with
  2. 6. designates the angle of view of an image
  3. 7. black white and all greys in between
  4. 9. is the area used or unused in a composition
  5. 10. the total amount of light captured by a camera
  6. 12. allows you to link 2 layers together
  7. 14. is a technique used to compose an image to fill the area
  8. 15. the surface quality
  9. 17. an advanced image editor
  10. 18. artistic turm is hue
  11. 19. determines the amount of time a sensor is active to capture a photo
  1. 1. the 7 basics of art
  2. 2. 2 dimensional and flat
  3. 3. if lower blurrier higher less blurrier
  4. 4. one or more layer effects and blending options
  5. 5. is used to isolate a subject by blurring the foreground or background
  6. 8. also thought of as the "what"
  7. 11. a mechanism that allows you to adjust how long the image sensor is exposed to light
  8. 13. a mark made by a moving point
  9. 16. a menu at the top of the main photopea bar