Digital Technologies: Computer Hardware

  1. 2. The blinking line or shape on the screen that tells you where the next character will go
  2. 4. A device used mainly to enter text and number information into the computer
  3. 5. A pointing device that allows you to control the cursor of a computer
  4. 7. An electronic machine that takes in data and instructions, works with the data, and puts out information
  5. 11. A device used to create hard copies of information on a computer
  6. 14. A connection point or interface between a computer and an external or internal device
  7. 15. _________board: the main brain of the computer
  8. 16. The actual information in a computer
  1. 1. A TV-like output device
  2. 3. Tiny devices that act like gates. They either let electricity through or they don't. This creates the ones and zeros of binary code.
  3. 6. Any part of a computer that displays or creates copies of information for the user to see
  4. 8. ___________ Access Memory: short term memory that helps your computer run faster
  5. 9. ________ screen: a type of screen that allows you to enter information using your fingers or a stylus
  6. 10. Central Processing Unit, the brain of the computer
  7. 12. __________ device: any part of the computer that allows you to enter information into the computer
  8. 13. ____ disk: the main storage of a computer