- 2. The blinking line or shape on the screen that tells you where the next character will go
- 4. A device used mainly to enter text and number information into the computer
- 5. A pointing device that allows you to control the cursor of a computer
- 7. An electronic machine that takes in data and instructions, works with the data, and puts out information
- 11. A device used to create hard copies of information on a computer
- 14. A connection point or interface between a computer and an external or internal device
- 15. _________board: the main brain of the computer
- 16. The actual information in a computer
- 1. A TV-like output device
- 3. Tiny devices that act like gates. They either let electricity through or they don't. This creates the ones and zeros of binary code.
- 6. Any part of a computer that displays or creates copies of information for the user to see
- 8. ___________ Access Memory: short term memory that helps your computer run faster
- 9. ________ screen: a type of screen that allows you to enter information using your fingers or a stylus
- 10. Central Processing Unit, the brain of the computer
- 12. __________ device: any part of the computer that allows you to enter information into the computer
- 13. ____ disk: the main storage of a computer