
  1. 2. Something we listen to and has the sound (ng)
  2. 3. we use to get warm in winter and has the sound (qu)
  3. 6. half brown, half green and has the sound (ee)
  4. 7. we used mix ingredients when baking and has the sound (er)
  5. 9. Something we sit in and have the sound (ch)
  6. 10. A place We go to, to buy stuff and gas the sound (sh)
  7. 13. We use it to eat and has the sound (or)
  8. 14. they come with short or long necks and we wear them in winter and has the sound (oo)
  1. 1. Speaking in a loud voice.
  2. 2. the dirt where put the seeds of the plants and has the sound (oi)
  3. 4. the number that comes after two, and has the sound (th)
  4. 5. Dad wears it with a suit and has the sound (ie).
  5. 8. It comes from the clouds in winter and has the sound (ai)
  6. 11. a place we got to play or have w picnic and has the (ar)
  7. 12. It sails in the sea and the sound (oa)