
  1. 2. they ……made me promise to make a puzzle
  2. 3. They ….. is the best Pizza restaurant in the region.
  3. 5. my friends …… the menu well
  4. 7. I …… to another town to meet Friends
  5. 8. we ….. in the kitchen for a few minutes
  6. 11. we …… a beer to start with
  7. 13. I ….. it, with irregular verbs.
  8. 14. the restaurant was full, there …… many people
  9. 15. While we ….. our meal we
  10. 16. I …. My friends the food looked delicious
  11. 18. I ….. a very good Pizza on Friday.
  1. 1. my friends …… the check
  2. 3. about many things.
  3. 4. she …….. our drinks.
  4. 6. I was ……. Invited
  5. 9. the waitress came and …. our orders
  6. 10. I …… what other people were eating
  7. 12. I …. The menu with great interest.
  8. 13. after that, we ……. to the restaurant.
  9. 17. we …..the restaurant