Dinuri's Bridal Shower

  1. 3. What is Dinuri's favourite snack
  2. 4. Who's music (an artist or group) does Dinuri enjoy?
  3. 6. What school did Lasitha go to?
  4. 9. One thing Lasitha is interested in and knowledgable about is .....
  5. 11. What is the name of the institution Dinuri studied at overseas?
  6. 12. Something Dinuri dislikes doing
  7. 13. One thing Dinuri and Lasitha like to go to
  8. 16. They both have a dislike for ......
  9. 19. Where did Lasitha propose to Dinuri at
  10. 20. What song does Dinuri like to listen to the most?
  11. 21. Lasitha is health conscious and therefore he is into ......
  12. 22. The age difference in years between Dinuri and Lasitha
  1. 1. What school is near Lasitha's business establishment?
  2. 2. What school did Dinuri go to in Sri Lanka?
  3. 5. What genre of movies do Dinuri and Lasitha like to watch together
  4. 7. Dinuri is a gifted .......
  5. 8. Her favourite TV series
  6. 10. Where was Dinuri and Lasitha's first date?
  7. 14. An animal Dinuri is scared of
  8. 15. What country did she go to study in
  9. 17. What does Dinuri frequently order from Lasitha's business?
  10. 18. What business does Lasitha own?