
  1. 3. It has the similar meaning with word "among"
  2. 8. It means " Gang" in Bahasa
  3. 11. It means "Melewati" in Bahasa
  4. 13. it has similar meaning with word "Crossroad"
  5. 15. The opposite of word "on"
  6. 16. The opposite of left
  7. 19. The opposite of In front of
  1. 1. It means "jalan Raya" in Bahasa
  2. 2. It means "Terowongan" in bahasa
  3. 4. Thing we can find in the intersection
  4. 5. It means "sudut/pojok" in Bahasa
  5. 6. It means "Jalan layang" in Bahasa
  6. 7. The opposite of East
  7. 9. It means "Jalan sempit" in Bahasa
  8. 10. The opposite of Come
  9. 12. The opposite of north
  10. 14. The opposite of far
  11. 17. The opposite of straight
  12. 18. It has similar meaning with word "next to"
  13. 20. The opposite of up