direction words

  1. 3. Provide a logical conclusion using evidence and prior knowledge
  2. 7. Make sense of, or assign meaning to, something
  3. 8. Find out, verify, decide.
  4. 10. Think carefully before making a judfment, form a critical opinion of
  5. 11. Tell apart, or tell the difference, between
  6. 12. State the differences between two or more things
  7. 13. create groups and place information into those groups based on shared characteristics
  8. 15. Decide on the value or significantce, jugde
  1. 1. Make or produce
  2. 2. State the similarities between two or more things
  3. 4. Explain the relationships between ideas or concepts
  4. 5. Tie ideas together, relate
  5. 6. Provide evidence, show something is true (or false)
  6. 8. Make a judgement or inference based on text clues and background knowledge
  7. 9. Breakdown and evaluate or draw conclusions avout the information
  8. 12. Support your answer by paraphrasing or using a direct quote
  9. 14. Make use of information