
  1. 1. trouble with social skills
  2. 3. a condition that affects the spine and is usually apparent at birth
  3. 6. trouble making words the ear hears
  4. 9. Jimmy valmer
  5. 11. a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome
  6. 12. difficult understanding or talking
  7. 14. Low vocabulary development
  8. 16. Physical and mental damage in a child due to alcohol exposure while in the womb
  9. 17. mild to severe intellectual disability
  10. 18. difficulty writing
  1. 2. developmental disability caused by differences in the brain
  2. 4. poor vision or completely blind
  3. 5. enetic multisystem disorder characterized during infancy by lethargy
  4. 7. health impairments that causes disabilities
  5. 8. muscle deformity in partial or whole body
  6. 10. Delayed in speaking and has trouble hearing
  7. 13. difficulty with math
  8. 15. difficulty reading