Disaster management

  1. 2. When magma erupts as lava
  2. 3. A way of eliminating or reducing impact disasters
  3. 4. increase in humidity causing visibility problems
  4. 6. overflow of large amount of water
  5. 9. Mass of snow that slides down rapidly
  6. 12. Recent disasters in California and Amazon forest
  7. 14. A big wave
  1. 1. plan devised for outcome other than the usual
  2. 5. Storm in snowy region
  3. 6. Created when tectonic plates shift
  4. 7. long period with no rain
  5. 8. physical harm
  6. 10. Katrina, Nisarga, Rita are types of?
  7. 11. State of isolation and restricted access
  8. 13. effort to meet needs of people affected by disaster