Disaster Preparedness

  1. 5. you should have about one gallon of this prepared per person to last for a few days
  2. 7. type of disaster involving tropical storms and is commonly seen in coastal towns
  3. 8. Act of leaving home safely and quickly in event of disaster
  4. 9. two words; you received this today and will take it home with you and use in event of a hurricane, fire, tornado, etc.; contains essential items
  5. 11. general term for papers, such as social security card, birth certificate, etc. needed to be taken in the event of a disaster
  1. 1. Abbreviation for organization with mobile app helping guide individuals in event of disaster
  2. 2. it is important to have extras of these with you in the event that your flashlight, phone, etc. dies
  3. 3. this item in your disaster kit makes noise and can allow you to signal for help
  4. 4. a continuous cycle of planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective action in an effort to ensure effective coordination during incident response
  5. 6. this type of health can be negatively affected by life events and disasters, making it important to use lavender kits, deep breathing exercises, etc.
  6. 10. type of natural disaster involving funnel-shaped vortex