
  1. 2. Machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
  2. 6. Assets like education, training, intelligence, skills, health, and other things employers value such as loyalty and punctuality.
  3. 9. The amount something will cost.
  4. 12. An increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time.
  5. 13. The ability of an individual or group to carry out a particular economic activity (such as making a specific product) more efficiently than another activity.
  6. 15. Things that go against people's morals
  7. 17. A government regulation establishing a maximum price to be charged for specified goods and services, especially during periods of war or inflation.
  8. 18. When retailers and others take advantage of spikes in demand by charging exorbitant prices for necessities, often after a natural disaster or other state of emergency.
  9. 20. financial motivations for people to take certain actions.
  10. 21. Human-made goods that assist in the process of creating a product or service.
  11. 23. An unexpected event that suddenly changes the supply of a product or commodity, resulting in an unforeseen change in price.
  12. 24. A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.
  13. 25. Gross domestic product divided by midyear population.
  1. 1. Things that impact the amount of the demand in an economy.
  2. 3. the economic analysis of nonmarket decision making
  3. 4. A commodity or service that is provided without profit to all members of a society, either by the government or a private individual or organization.
  4. 5. a complex organization that has multilayered systems and processes.
  5. 7. Things that impact the amount of available supply.
  6. 8. The need or want of the economy for something.
  7. 10. A sudden change of the pattern of private expenditure, especially of consumption spending by consumers or of investment spending by businesses.
  8. 11. The amount of available resources.
  9. 14. The effectiveness of someone or something's effort.
  10. 16. Someone's purchasing power in the economy.
  11. 19. A curve that illustrates the possible quantities that can be produced of two products if both depend upon the same finite resource for their manufacture.
  12. 22. The state of being short in supply.