
  1. 3. - A sudden and violent collision, often resulting in damage
  2. 4. - Uncontrolled and destructive burning of buildings, vegetation, or other structures
  3. 5. - To endure and come through a difficult situation or event
  4. 7. Spill - Release of oil into the environment, often from ships or drilling platforms
  5. 8. - Mountain opening that can release molten rock, ash, and gases
  6. 9. - Sudden shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates
  7. 12. - Violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground
  8. 13. - Act of saving or being saved from danger or distress
  9. 14. - Rapid downward movement of rocks and debris on a slope
  1. 1. Disaster - Catastrophic event caused by natural processes, often resulting in damage to property and loss of life
  2. 2. - A powerful storm with strong winds and heavy rain, also known as a typhoon or cyclone
  3. 4. - Overflow of water onto normally dry land, often causing damage
  4. 6. - A person who suffers harm, damage, or injury from a disaster
  5. 10. - Celestial object that orbits the sun, often found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
  6. 11. - Large sea wave caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions