
  1. 2. Covering an area of land with water
  2. 3. A time that is intensely difficult or dangerous
  3. 6. Water in Maori
  4. 8. Impact that happens days, seconds, minutes after an event
  5. 9. Living beings in Maori
  6. 11. Impact that happens months or years after the event
  7. 12. Mass of snow and ice coming down a mountain
  8. 13. Land in Maori
  9. 14. Plates under the earths surface that move
  1. 1. A sudden movement or energy
  2. 4. Maori god or deity of Volcanoes
  3. 5. A shaking of the surface of the earth
  4. 7. Cultural forces are caused by
  5. 10. Natural forces are caused by