
  1. 4. Large lumps of ice that fall like snow or rain.
  2. 5. A great flowing or overflowing of water, especially over land not usually submerged.
  3. 6. An opening in the earth's crust the releases magma & ash.
  4. 7. An uncontrollable fire that destroys most in its path.
  5. 8. A localized, violently destructive windstorm occurring over land with a funnel-like cloud that reaches the ground.
  6. 12. A long period of time in which an area does not have precipitation.
  7. 13. Massive amount of Carbon Dioxide released from a lake suffocating all humans/animals in the area.
  8. 15. A sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.
  1. 1. An object from space that hits a planet.
  2. 2. Severe snowstorm characterized by strong winds and low temperature.
  3. 3. A large mass of snow detached from a mountain slope and sliding or falling suddenly downward.
  4. 4. A violent tropical cyclonic storm.
  5. 9. A massive outbreak of a disease that effects large amounts of the population.
  6. 10. The rapid downward movement of a large quantity of saturated earth.
  7. 11. A massive amount of solar energy released from the sun that effects electronics, radios, etc.
  8. 14. An unusually large sea wave produced by a seaquake or undersea volcanic eruption.