Disasters on Broadway

  1. 2. Who’s your daddy?
  2. 3. Created by 2 blacklisted creators and 1 who named names
  3. 5. Overturing a ban
  4. 7. 1993 musical board game
  5. 9. Pee stick gone wrong
  6. 17. Steven King Musical
  7. 19. Unfortunate consequences
  8. 20. It killed a famous granny
  9. 21. Actors dread working this
  10. 25. Elton John not bad
  11. 26. Suicide
  12. 27. Set of partner dances
  1. 1. Tour de force for composer’s wife
  2. 4. “Women weaken legs.”
  3. 6. Pies
  4. 8. Boy George shouldn’t have
  5. 10. 11 Southern States Revolt
  6. 11. Liza’s Mom meets Dad
  7. 12. block or obscures light
  8. 13. Forced to land on Newfoundland on 9/11
  9. 14. OSHA sited show for serious injuries
  10. 15. “You’re in” town
  11. 16. helicopter
  12. 18. You’re never fully dress without this
  13. 22. Downton Abby opening
  14. 23. Macy’s Advertisement
  15. 24. School administrator’s ban