Discover Ed 9.3 9.4 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. With 10 down
  2. 5. President elected in 1860
  3. 7. Massachusetts senator
  4. 8. The first state to secede from the US
  5. 12. The southern nickname for the tariff of 1828
  6. 13. What most northerners consider3ed succession to be
  7. 14. What 11 states did in 1860-1861
  1. 1. What book did Harriet Beecher Stowe write
  2. 3. The last state to secede from the US
  3. 4. Kentucky senator
  4. 6. A term for people who wanted there own country which allowed slavery
  5. 9. A term to describe the northern and western states
  6. 10. With 2 across, These 11 states became theā€¦
  7. 11. What fort was surrendered on April 14th