Discovering Geometry

  1. 3. split an angle or segment in half two make two congruent parts
  2. 6. a polygon with only inside diagonals
  3. 7. on the same plane
  4. 9. 3.14159...
  5. 11. an equilateral parallelogram
  6. 13. opposite over adjacent
  7. 16. a shape in which all the angles are of the same degree
  8. 17. two circles that share the same center
  9. 18. a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel lines
  10. 21. A line segment connecting a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side.
  11. 22. arc an arc that is more than 180degrees
  12. 23. opposite over hypotenuse
  1. 1. two pairs of consecutive congruent sides
  2. 2. line segment that connects two non-consecutive vertices
  3. 4. congruent parts of congruent triangles are congruent
  4. 5. sum of two angles that equal 180
  6. 8. a flat surface that extends infinitely along its edges
  7. 10. a line segment whose endpoints line on the circle
  8. 12. perpendicular segment from the center of the polygon's circumscribed circle to a side of the polygon
  9. 14. two angles that make a line
  10. 15. a 90degree angle
  11. 17. adjacent over hypotenuse
  12. 19. A perpendicular segment from a vertex to the base
  13. 20. region between two concentric circles