
  1. 2. show consideration or regard toward someone
  2. 4. skill: give appropriate feed______
  3. 9. a lot & being nice to others
  4. 13. be kind to others and use manners
  5. 14. do the right thing, even when no one's watching
  6. 15. attending skill is being in the ___________
  1. 1. do your assignments
  2. 3. skill: ask _________ questions
  3. 5. used to pay attention
  4. 6. skill: use appropriate body ______
  5. 7. join in with class discussion
  6. 8. skill: use appropriate eye _____
  7. 9. have your necessary materials
  8. 10. be responsible for your actions
  9. 11. title of the puzzle
  10. 12. be on time