Disease & Immunity

  1. 2. Disease spread by ticks
  2. 4. Serum used to enhance immunity against diseases
  3. 7. To contaminate or taint
  4. 9. Person who is carrier of disease and spreads to others
  5. 11. Protein made in response to specific antigen
  6. 12. Developed polio vaccine
  7. 16. Micro-Organism that causes disease
  8. 17. Indicates infection in the body
  9. 18. Long term sickness or disease
  1. 1. A sign of indication of something
  2. 3. Process of heating a liquid to kill bacteria
  3. 5. Disease transmitted from one person to another
  4. 6. To spread or pass on
  5. 8. Medicine used to treat infection
  6. 9. Human immunodeficiency virus
  7. 10. Sexually Transmitted Disease
  8. 11. Substance that causes allergic reaction
  9. 13. / Complex molecule that is foreign to your body
  10. 14. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  11. 15. Disease marked by uncontrolled cell growth