Disease of adrenal gland in children

  1. 3. Urinalysis in patients with Fanconi syndrome may show
  2. 6. High-dose glucocorticoids (the equivalent of >10 times physiologic cortisol secretion) can be administered without requiring a subsequent tapering for
  3. 8. secondary causes of nephrotic syndrome
  4. 9. Familial isolated gonadotropin deficiency associated with anosmia is what syndrome
  5. 10. Transient elevation of urinary albumin can occur in
  6. 11. Within the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, which ion’s influx is an absolute requirement for epinephrine secretion?
  7. 14. Which hormone is produced by the zona reticularis ?
  8. 15. Glucocorticoids play a major role in immune regulation. They increase circulating in which cell
  9. 16. Transient proteinuria can be seen in
  10. 17. In situations of stress and anxiety, epinephrine synthesis can be increased when cortisol stimulates the enzyme
  11. 19. Weaker associations with gynecomastia are seen in
  12. 21. Guidelines suggest that diabetic patients should commence screening for celiac disease at
  13. 24. The most common etiology of secondary membranous nephropathy (MN) in children is
  14. 27. Polyuria, polydipsia, weakness, and fatigue are characteristic of several endocrine disorders. In one patient, the physician notes both peripheral neuropathy and visual changes as well. What clinical condition would be most likely to produce these six findings?
  15. 28. Acquired nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is associated with
  16. 29. treatment options of hemorrhagic cystitis
  1. 1. what stimulate vasopressin (VP) secretion
  2. 2. In older children with Cushing syndrome, in addition to obesity, a common early manifestation is
  3. 4. The major causes of incidentalomas are
  4. 5. Acquired hypogonadotropic hypogonadism include
  5. 7. The most common cause of acquired hypopituitarism is
  6. 12. A painless nodule in the thyroid or in the neck is the usual presentation of childhood thyroid cancer. Of the following, the MOST common site of distant metastasis is
  7. 13. Distal RTA can be presented with
  8. 16. with one of the following drugs usually results in significant insulin resistance leading to glucose intolerance and overt diabetes
  9. 18. in primary aldosteronism, which serum value is low
  10. 20. Parathyroid crisis is manifested by
  11. 22. Reported side effects of GH treatment
  12. 23. In hematuria, renal biopsy is indicated in
  13. 25. Patients with mineralocorticoid deficiency can develop
  14. 26. Clinical manifestations of pheochromocytomas include