
  1. 4. Where healthy bacteria can be found
  2. 5. Mosquito is an example
  3. 6. measures that help you not get sick
  4. 8. Treated with antibiotic
  5. 12. heart/blood vessels
  6. 14. Causes athlete's foot
  7. 15. not cancerous
  8. 17. disease that affects glucose use
  9. 18. poison, chemicals in the air, water,etc
  1. 1. Something that causes diseases
  2. 2. brain bleed or clot
  3. 3. similar to bacteria
  4. 7. Vaccines prevent them
  5. 9. A common viral infection
  6. 10. passed on genes
  7. 11. uncontrolled cell growth
  8. 13. An invasion of bacteria
  9. 16. bodies adverse reaction to a substance