  1. 2. A viral disease that causes a rash, red eyes, and white spots in the mouth (7 letters)
  2. 4. Viral disease that has caused a global pandemic, affecting the respiratory system (7 letters)
  3. 6. A viral disease transmitted through contact with bodily fluids, leading to hemorrhagic fever (5 letters)
  4. 7. A mosquito-borne parasitic disease, affecting the liver and red blood cells (7 letters)
  5. 8. A bacterial disease, often from a tick bite, that can cause a bull's eye rash (10 letters)
  6. 9. A highly contagious viral disease affecting the immune system, often fatal without treatment (3 letters)
  7. 10. A viral infection known for itchy skin rash, commonly in children (9 letters)
  1. 1. A bacterial infection affecting the respiratory system, often leading to a persistent cough (13 letters)
  2. 3. A sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum (8 letters)
  3. 5. Disease caused by a virus affecting the liver, transmitted through bodily fluids (10 letters)
  4. 7. A bacterial disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing severe neck stiffness (10 letters)