
  1. 2. Which of Mickey’s family members does he stay in the parallelm universe for?
  2. 3. What does Bill say when the Doctor introduces himself to her?
  3. 6. What fake name does the Doctor often give on Earth?
  4. 8. Who plays Martha Jones?
  5. 9. What is the name of the prison River is serving time in?
  6. 11. Which Doctor says, “900 years of time and space and I’ve never been slapped by somebody’s mother”
  1. 1. What is River Song’s real name?
  2. 4. What is the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius?
  3. 5. What is the name of the first NuWho episode?
  4. 7. What was Captain Jack’s old job?
  5. 10. How many operators is the TARDIS supposed to have?