
  1. 2. first Pixar movie
  2. 5. _and stitch
  3. 7. what color does Rapunzel's hair turn
  4. 8. How many fingers does Mickey have
  5. 11. First disney movie
  6. 12. latest disney movie
  7. 14. name of bear in jungle book
  8. 15. How many disney princess movies have sequels
  1. 1. These were Mickey's first spoken words
  2. 3. which character sings kiss the girl
  3. 4. actor of woody
  4. 6. Bell'e father's name
  5. 9. Cinderella's castle was built with_bricks
  6. 10. Prince in Sleeping Beauty
  7. 13. "Hakuna Matata" means_