
  1. 6. princess captured by pirates
  2. 8. "we're all mad here"2 wrds
  3. 10. king of the cat words
  4. 13. king of the wild frontier 2 wrds
  5. 14. king of the sea
  6. 15. wants only red roses 3 words
  7. 19. cat that lives with dogs
  8. 20. street rat
  9. 22. king of everything the light touches
  10. 23. tries to marry a princess much younger than him
  11. 24. and it's all true; i swear by my _____
  12. 28. tells bedtime stories to her brothers 4wrds
  13. 30. in love with thomas
  14. 33. made of snow
  15. 34. monkey
  16. 36. loses a shoe
  17. 38. never stats fights
  18. 39. cone of shame
  1. 1. evil fairy
  2. 2. robot tasked with saving eart
  3. 3. mice helpers
  4. 4. space robot
  5. 5. area of land ruled by royalty
  6. 7. grants wishes
  7. 9. alien experiment
  8. 11. never grows up 2 wrds
  9. 12. scaly beast
  10. 16. a handsome throwrug
  11. 17. animal trapped by the Robinson family
  12. 18. sea witch
  13. 21. detective 4 wrds
  14. 25. worth melting for
  15. 26. dog nanny
  16. 27. NOT A RAT
  17. 29. eats too many eggs to be healthy
  18. 31. a cod fish 2 wrds
  19. 32. helpful bird
  20. 35. salem witches
  21. 37. red-headed princess