
  1. 2. A monster created by assembling body parts from different corpses
  2. 4. A preserved body wrapped in bandages, often found in ancient Egyptian tombs
  3. 6. A mythical creature that survives by drinking the blood of the living
  4. 7. A mythical creature known for its size and strength, often depicted as living under bridges or in caves
  5. 8. A small, mischievous creature often depicted as having green skin and pointy ears
  6. 9. A creature that can transform from a human into a wolf during the full moon
  7. 10. A woman with magical powers, often depicted as wearing a pointed hat and flying on a broomstick
  1. 1. A mythical creature with the body of a bird and the head of a woman, known for stealing food
  2. 3. The framework of bones that gives structure to a body
  3. 5. A reanimated corpse that moves slowly and is often depicted as hungry for brains
  4. 8. The spirit of a deceased person that can appear in a transparent form