
  1. 3. It`s one movie from Disney`s Golden era.
  2. 7. That makes someone look unattractive
  3. 8. One of Mickey`s famous companions.
  4. 9. The movie that appeared in 1950
  5. 10. Disnee`s first amend to deal with criticism
  6. 11. Walt Disney won 22 .....
  7. 12. Disney`s first full-length animation took its inspiration from it.
  8. 13. Disney is repacing the animation with this tecnique
  9. 14. Long-length, Wide- ..... ?
  10. 17. Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse?
  1. 1. How was Walt Disney when it was set up?
  2. 2. When someone you trust does something bad to you
  3. 4. Who was Mickey inspired by?
  4. 5. Mickey Mouse is also known as .........
  5. 6. A synonym of "hit" in the context of the text.
  6. 10. A person/thing that brings good luck to an organisation.
  7. 15. Who is celebrating its 100th birthday?
  8. 16. This movie was an innovative mixture of animation and live action