
  1. 3. puppy in the hundred acre wood
  2. 7. also known as a fork
  3. 10. where aladdin finds the magic lamp
  4. 11. tick tock tick tock
  5. 13. slim
  6. 14. she gives aurora the gift of song
  7. 16. ride like the wind ...
  8. 17. lumpy
  9. 18. stolen and stolen back, then stolen again
  1. 1. princess atta's sister
  2. 2. a robot's best friend
  3. 4. Kevin the bird
  4. 5. eel with glowing eyes
  5. 6. the other half of this "human"
  6. 8. is the source of glowing
  7. 9. another eel with glowing eyes
  8. 10. he's 150 years old
  9. 12. captured by captain hook
  10. 15. the name of a monkey