
  1. 1. "Colors of the __"
  2. 2. Idina Menzel's icy character
  3. 6. Most popular Disney princess
  4. 7. Rapunzel's "mother"
  5. 8. Lion King prince
  6. 11. parrot in Aladdin
  7. 12. Rapunzel-2010 movie
  8. 13. Anna's blond companion in Frozen
  9. 14. "All is __"
  10. 15. Flynn __
  11. 16. True __
  12. 17. candlestick
  1. 1. "Lost in the __"
  2. 3. Orphan in Frozen who has not been mentioned
  3. 4. "Be our __"
  4. 5. "This will all make sense when I am ___"-Olaf
  5. 7. narcissistic villain
  6. 8. "Under the __"
  7. 9. Beauty and the Beast hero
  8. 10. Aladdin's villian
  9. 14. "For the first time in __"