
  1. 3. Surname of Miguel in Coco
  2. 6. Who's life is it?
  3. 8. Her brothers turn in to bear cubs
  4. 9. Was told to fly away and be free
  5. 10. who was experiment 626
  6. 12. Name of the Indiana Ride in DLP
  7. 14. What number is Chick Hicks
  8. 15. Which male character is dreaming of a true loves kiss
  9. 16. Aladdins best friend
  1. 1. What is jiminy cricket
  2. 2. A stewed vegetable dish?
  3. 4. How old is rapunzel when she is reunited with her mum and dad
  4. 5. Is this Disneys Smelliest character?
  5. 6. who is missing? Grumpy, Doc, Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy,Dopey
  6. 7. where did P sherman live
  7. 11. how many aliens did Mr Potato Head Rescue
  8. 13. Who's Castle is in WDW and WDW tokyo