Disney characters

  1. 1. A short pin or bolt, typically tapered at one end, that is used for securing something in place, hanging things on, or marking a position
  2. 5. A tall drinking container, typically made of plastic, with straight sides and no handle
  3. 6. A high-level structured computer programming language used for teaching and general programming
  4. 8. Full of or covered with lumps
  5. 10. Cause a liquid to be ejected from a small opening in a thin, fast stream or jet squirt
  6. 11. An Old World shrub or climbing plant which bears fragrant white, pink, or yellow flowers
  7. 12. A long pin with a head that screws into a nut, used to fasten things together
  8. 13. Struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water
  9. 17. A red-brown metal, the chemical element of atomic number 29
  10. 18. An aromatic plant of the mint family, The leaves are used as a culinary herb, especially in Mediterranean dishes
  11. 20. A loop of thread or yarn resulting from a single pass or movement of the needle in sewing, knitting, or crocheting
  12. 21. The part of a plant from which the seed or fruit develops, usually having brightly coloured petals
  13. 22. A mark left on something following damage of some kind
  14. 24. Small hard seed in a fruit pip
  1. 2. Bad-tempered and sulky
  2. 3. A member of a travelling people with dark skin and hair, traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune telling
  3. 4. A small, hard, benign growth on the skin, caused by a virus
  4. 5. The centre of the target in sports such as archery, shooting, and darts
  5. 7. A soft white fibrous substance which surrounds the seeds of the cotton plant and is made into textile fibre and thread for sewing
  6. 9. Move swiftly and lightly
  7. 14. Another name for Satan.
  8. 15. A graduated rod for measuring the depth of a liquid, especially oil in a vehicle’s engine
  9. 16. A narrow line or beam of light or radiation
  10. 19. A long rectangular piece of deep-fried potato
  11. 23. A colour at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies