Disney Villains

  1. 1. She was, understandably, upset that a demi-god stole her heart
  2. 4. She captured the voice of a princess and almost captured the heart of a prince
  3. 6. Her assistant turned an Emperor into a llama
  4. 8. "_____, _____ he's our man, if he can't do it GREAT" - Genie
  5. 11. This face-on-the-moon-at-night did not like Sandy Claws
  6. 13. His nemesis is just a kid that can fly!
  7. 14. Greek God of the Underworld/Death
  8. 15. This fashion icon loves spots; not stripes, not dots... SPOTS
  9. 17. He prefers his women NOT reading books
  1. 2. People nowadays would just call this man able-ist and racist
  2. 3. He sings jazz, tell futures, and controls the shadows in the shadow realm
  3. 5. This plot-twist villain loves a good race
  4. 7. This fairy cursed a baby to get revenge on a King
  5. 9. You shouldn't accept an apple pie from her!
  6. 10. He takes the ants' food before fall, until the Circus bugs help the ants
  7. 12. She followed a Princess from the animated world to New York city to try and keep the crown
  8. 14. A warrior turned Princess help protect China from the ______
  9. 16. This guy really hated his brother and nephew