Disney World

  1. 1. A Disney dog
  2. 6. Jiminy ______
  3. 8. there were 101 of them
  4. 9. There are many of these at Disney world
  5. 10. ________ Mouse
  6. 11. the number of nephews Donald Duck has
  7. 14. size of the world
  8. 15. Piglet's Friend
  1. 2. a show in the night sky
  2. 3. This marches through the streets
  3. 4. Mickey's girlfriend
  4. 5. most popular Disney princess
  5. 7. Peter ____
  6. 11. The number of fingers staff use to point
  7. 12. Used to help people in wheelchairs access rides
  8. 13. pessimistic donkey