DIT - Lesson 1 Part 2 Vocabulary

  1. 3. Online services that allow you to create or upload content and interact with the users who read the content.
  2. 6. Using social interaction features to help sell products online.
  3. 8. A program or mobile app that allows real-time or delayed communication between users.
  4. 12. Website where you can create and edit a collection of interlinked web pages.
  5. 14. On online representation of a user.
  6. 15. A social media user who has the power to sway or persuade others.
  7. 20. The number of shares per post on a social media channel.
  8. 21. a social media user who watches other users’ activities but rarely (if ever) participates.
  9. 22. Comments When replies to comments are posted directly under the original comment.
  10. 23. when customers, the press and the public share your content, speak about your brand via word of mouth, and otherwise discuss your brand
  11. 24. A social media user who creates original content.
  1. 1. when you pay to leverage a third-party channel, such as sponsorships and advertising on third-party sites.
  2. 2. A technology that converts voice into digital form and delivers it using the internet protocol (IP). Allows the use of the internet for real-time voice and video traffic.
  3. 3. A service that allows a computer to send or receive short message service (SMS) transmissions to or from a telecommunications network.
  4. 4. When a game or other software is provided for free with limited features and additional features cost money.
  5. 5. A collection of entries posted on a web site in reverse chronological order.
  6. 7. communication channels owned and/or controlled by the brand. These refer to the brand’s website, blog, newsletters, mobile apps, etc.
  7. 9. A service that sends real-time audio and video from the publisher to the viewer.
  8. 10. Online services that allow users to manage content and links they find on the internet.
  9. 11. A social media user who views and shares content but does not create original content.
  10. 13. A social media user who often responds to content posted by others.
  11. 16. Using a web site to save, organize, manage, and share links to web sites and other resources on the internet.
  12. 17. Technologies that deliver packets of compressed audio and video data in teal-time over Internet Protocol (IP).
  13. 18. A type of blog in which the posts are very short, usually 280 characters or fewer.
  14. 19. A method of communication in which a user types and sends short messages form one mobile phone to another.
  15. 21. Online services that group individuals with common interests or goals into specific groups or communities.