
  1. 3. class of diuretics used to treat recurrent calcium stones in the kidney.
  2. 5. Prodrug of vasopressin
  3. 8. Agent of choice for Lithium induced Diabetes insipidus
  4. 9. Highly ototoxic diuretic.
  5. 10. longest half-life loop diuretic.
  6. 11. Most potent loop diuretic.
  1. 1. can cause gynecomastia and impotence as an adverse effect
  2. 2. loop diuretic with vasodilatory action. used for quick relief in LVF and Pulmonary oedema.
  3. 4. longer-acting V2 selective analogue used in the treatment of DI and Nocturnal enuresis
  4. 6. Non-competitive but reversible inhibitors of Carbonic anhydrase.
  5. 7. is used to maintain GRF in impending renal failure.