Diuretics and Antidiuretics

  1. 2. reabsorption of 60-65% filtered loads of Na+
  2. 3. Diabetes insipidus
  3. 6. Substances that increase urine formation and excretion
  4. 7. Loop diuretic
  5. 8. thiazide Diuretic
  6. 10. reabsorption of 5-8% filtered loads of Na+
  7. 12. Adverse effect of site I, II and III diuretics
  1. 1. Ca Inhibitors
  2. 4. Aldosterone antagonist
  3. 5. Antidiuretic agents
  4. 9. insipidus, Excretion of large volume of dilute urine
  5. 11. reabsorption of 2-3% filtered loads of Na+