Diuretics and drugs used in Shock and angina

  1. 4. The inotropic drug preferred in cardiogenic shock
  2. 8. Drug used in angina which activates ATP sensitive potassium channels
  3. 10. Drug which acts on funny cation channels in cardiac pacemaker cells
  4. 11. Disease worsened by dihydropyridine calcium channle blockers (ABBREVIATION)
  5. 14. Diretic which causes hyperkalema
  6. 16. aldosterone antagonist which does not cause gynaecomastia
  7. 17. Diadvantage of long term use of nitrates in angina
  8. 18. Calcium channel blocker used as an altrnative to premature labour
  1. 1. Inhibitor of renal epithelial Sodium channel
  2. 2. Calcium channel blocker contraindicated with beta blockers
  3. 3. Diuretic contraindicated in pulmonary edema
  4. 5. Non cardiovascular use of nitrates (TWO WORDS)
  5. 6. Antianginal drug which can induce reversible parkinsonism in elderly
  6. 7. Calcium channel blocker selective to cerebral vasculature
  7. 9. Drug of choice in anaphylactic shock
  8. 12. Diuretic used in mountain sickness
  9. 13. Adverse effect caused by high dose of thiazides
  10. 15. Thiazide which evokes clinical response even in severe renal failure