Diuretics / Anti-Diabetics

  1. 7. Organ that has beta cells responsible for creating insulin
  2. 8. This electrolyte is also pushed into the cell when you give insulin
  3. 9. You prevent this from happening by rotating insulin sites
  4. 14. Electrolyte imbalance that can make lithium toxicity worse due to diuretics
  5. 16. Sulfonylurea, which increases insulin production
  6. 17. Antidote to insulin overdose
  7. 21. Incretin mimetic
  8. 22. Hormone produced by adrenal cortex that retains sodium and water but excretes potassium
  9. 23. Electrolyte that is spared by hydrochlorothiazide
  10. 26. This diuretic spares potassium in the blood
  11. 27. Where do you store insulin?
  12. 28. Because of this, diabetic patients should be careful when taking diuretics
  13. 31. You do not have this hormone in type 1 diabetes
  14. 32. Not enough water in the body
  15. 33. Inability to get an erection, caused by spironolactone and hydrochlorothiazide
  16. 34. Osmotic diuretic
  17. 35. Present in urine with uncontrolled diabetes
  18. 36. Problem with insulin in type 2 diabetes
  19. 37. Associated with taking diuretics, so you have to wear shades and sunscreen
  1. 1. This diuretic acts on the distal convoluted tubules
  2. 2. Test for diabetes every 3-4 months, also called glycosylated hemoglobin
  3. 3. #1 vital sign associated with dehydration
  4. 4. Intermediate-actingermediate acting insulin that is cloudy
  5. 5. Type of breathing associated with DKA
  6. 6. Ultra-rapid acting insulin
  7. 10. Too much fluid in the body
  8. 11. Adjusted doses of insulin dependent on blood sugar reading
  9. 12. This diuretic acts on the ascending loop of Henle
  10. 13. Lung sounds associated with fluid overload
  11. 14. When you give too much insulin
  12. 15. One of the signs of ototoxicity
  13. 18. Increased breast tissue because of spironolactone
  14. 19. Short-acting clear insulin that you draw up first before cloudy insulin
  15. 20. Types of antibiotics to avoid when taking furosemide
  16. 24. You should stop metformin 48 hours before administering this before a diagnostic procedure
  17. 25. Long-acting insulin
  18. 29. Biguanide
  19. 30. Electrolyte imbalance that can make digoxin toxicity worse due to diuretics