Diversity In Organisms

  1. 2. Acellular, host specific and highly infectious
  2. 5. the __________ is a simple noun which should come first and should begin with a capital letter
  3. 7. It includes Prokaryotes
  4. 8. Basic unit of classification
  5. 12. Unicellular eukaryotes belong to kingdom
  6. 15. to avoid confusion created by vrnacular names, Swedish natyralist Linnaeus proposed binomial nomenclature
  7. 17. Small, circular, single stranded RNAs without any protection.
  1. 1. It includes multicellular eukaryotes with heterotrophic nutrition by absorption
  2. 3. Mode of reproduction in Monera
  3. 4. Five Kingdom classification of living organisms proposed by
  4. 6. Scientific names should be printed in ______
  5. 7. It includes multicellular, eukaryotic, photosynthetic autotrophs
  6. 9. Non-septate multinucleated hyphae in fungi
  7. 10. It includes multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophic organisms with holozoic mode of nutrition
  8. 11. scientific names should be _________ separately if handwritten
  9. 13. name the ________ is the descriptive adjective which should come later and begin with a small letter
  10. 14. In five kingdom classification of Whittaker, how many contain eukaryotes?
  11. 16. Slow growing organisms occuring in a wide variety of habitats