Dividing Decimals

  1. 2. A number without fractions, an integer
  2. 5. Change in form
  3. 7. A symbol used to separate whole numbers from numbers less than one
  4. 8. One of ten equal parts
  5. 9. Separate or to be separated into parts
  6. 11. One of the four basic operations of math, to separate into parts
  7. 12. One of one hundred equal parts
  8. 13. The number that is close to an exact amount
  1. 1. Find an answer
  2. 3. the number which is left over in a division in which one quantity does not exactly divide another.
  3. 4. Numbers that are easily computed mentally
  4. 6. The result of something
  5. 7. A number to be divided by another number
  6. 10. A number that divides into another number