Divine Books

  1. 3. The Quran was given to him.
  2. 5. The meaning of 'attributes' in Arabic.
  3. 6. Belief in the Divine Books is the ___ pillar of Iman.
  4. 8. The number of pillars of Iman
  5. 9. The Divine Books were revealed to the Messengers by this angel.
  6. 10. The man that supported the teachings of the previous Messenger.
  1. 1. The last Divine Book.
  2. 2. The divine book given to Davood (a.s)
  3. 4. The basic message of all the Divine Books.
  4. 5. The opposite of Tawheed.
  5. 7. The Divine Book that was sent to 'Eesaa'(a.s)